Recent Examples


Current Work



Scope of work

UI/UX Design


The below project has been one of the most in-depth projects at Colony to date. The new online registry and website for the Department of Petroleum and Energy in Papua New Guinea has been a project I am proud of. The approach stemmed from a holistic level, whereby I developed an entire brand identity and system that could be applied across multiple government departments and regions of Papua New Guinea, creating a recognisable government identity for a country that had nothing of the sort to this date. I've enjoyed being able to work end to end on this project, from research to wireframing, to identity and design system development right through to content creation - writing copy using existing content from their current website as well as the research conducted at the beginning of this project.

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I most enjoy educating clients on the benefits of how a good digital experience can still go hand and hand with accessibility and inclusion and in turn drive success for their business.

Here are a collection of more recent work I have had the pleasure of working on as the sole Digital Product Designer at Colony Group, as well as some personal pieces completed in my own time. I'd love the opportunity to speak through them in more detail.

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